Ronald Sandler

Global Warming (=GW) and Virtues of Ecological Restoration


1.      Restoration is a type of assisted recovery of ecosystems

         a.      Restoration a type of ecosystem recovery that makes historical fidelity a priority

         b.      Can be assisted recoveries that improve the ecosystem, but not in a way that it more closely resembles the pre-damaged state

                   i.       Invent new landscapes that are better for us or for nature

                   ii.      Sandler mentions revitalization and some reclamation


2.      Importance of acknowledging foregone global warming

                   i.       Foregone: previously determined

         b.      Because of already released greenhouse gases, a certain amount of global warming/climate change is already in the cards for us

         c.      Our treatment of environment must acknowledge this

3.      One implication:

         a.      Returning to climate conditions that would have existed had we not warmed/changed the world’s climates--if possible at all--would require massive and ill-advised technological interventions

4.      Hence the importance of the virtue of reconciliation

         a.      Reconciliation: Accepting unwanted/undesirable/ changes that are either un-preventable or should be resisted (namely changes caused by foregone global warming)

         b.      Reconciliation means (re-establishing normal relations between belligerents; the end of the estrangement, caused by sin, between God and humanity)


5.      Important features of global warming

         a.      Increased rate of ecological change

         b.      Increased uncertainty/unpredictability of ecological change

                   i.       E.g., increased extreme weather events, increase climate variability, climatic tipping points lead to abrupt changes (The Day After Tomorrow)

                   ii.      E.g., increased range of temperatures, sea levels, species ranges, precipitation, wind speeds

6.      This will make it much harder to adapt to climate change and failure to do so will have high economic and social and biological costs

7.      Our ecological future is accelerating away from out ecological past with increasing rapidity and it is increasingly unclear where it is going


8.      Implications

         a.      One: virtues of openness and accommodation become more important in restoration/assisted recovery

         b.      Two: Historical fidelity as a virtue of assisted recovery becomes less important

         c.      Three: Reconciliation becomes more important

         d.      Four: Restoration as a type of assisted recovery becomes less important


9.      Ecological restoration has 3 features: ecological integrity, historicity, and design

10.    Ecological integrity: Restoration improves an area from ecological perspective; improves its ecological quality

         a.      Improves its health, or functioning, or biodiversity

         b.      E.g. makes it more resilient, stable, self-maintaining, have fewer contaminants and so on

11.    Historicity: Restoration returns something to way it was previously

         a.      If an assisted recovery does not involve a return to the past, then it is not “restoration”

         b.      Could restorations ever degrade an environment in the sense of fail to enhance its ecological health/functioning?

12.    Design: All restorations involve design, even if it is to replicate the design of nature (for we choose that rather than other goals)



14.    Virtue is a character trait that disposes a person to respond well to values in the world (typically by promoting it)

         a.      These values include ones own flourishing, flourishing of other people, human-independent env values (aes values of worth of nonhumans)

         b.      Vices do the opposite


15.    Making people more virtuous is one goal of ecological restoration

16.    Among appropriate goals of good restoration is moral improvements; restoration might encourage, for example a sense of place and a connection to a particular place

17.    So one goal of good restoration is to try to inculcate virtues in humans....


18.    Katz’s critique of restoration is a virtue critique, but a mistaken one (says Sandler)

19.    Sandler thinks Katz’s critique of restoration is in part a virtue critique:

         a.      Katz thinks restoration is bad as encourages the vice of hubris and encourages people to dominate and control nature

20.    Sandler agrees with others that restoration need not involve hubris

         a.      Restoration can be approached with humility, caring ecological sensitivity, respect for nature, patience sense of restitution, gratitude and engagement


21.    Importance of virtues of openness and accommodation (increased by GW)

         a.      In world that is less stable and predicable ecologically and in terms of climate, virtues of openness and accommodation become increasingly important

         b.      Control-oriented , domineering restorations make less sense

         c.      Need greater humility regarding our abilities

         d.      Patience will be important (recovery might take a long time)

         e.      Restraint on how strongly we impose our designs/desires on ecological space will be crucial

         f.       Increasingly important to allow recovering systems to take own course in response to factors we may not have predicted

         g.      Tolerance of these unanticipated changes will be needed


22.    Historical Fidelity

         a.      Importance of this virtue is weakened in ages of increased ecological uncertainty and variability

23.    One argument for historical fidelity is that it is a means to ecological integrity;

         a.      What once worked in a place is more likely to work there again    

         b.      But climate change undermines this argument:

         c.      The eco future is less likely to resemble the ecological past

                   i.       “The ecological futures of most places will be quite different from even their recent ecological pasts”

                   ii.      Rainforests will likely turn to savannah

                   iii.     Desertification, reduction in glaciers and ice sheets, losses of coral reefs and flooding of coastal regions will also be likely

         d.      Historical ecosystems will increasingly be poor proxies for ecological integrity

         e.      Native species are increasingly less likely to be an assurance of ecologically friendliness

         f.       To strong a commitment to historicity could become a form of ecological insensitivity to ongoing ecological changes and involve imposing ourselves against them

24.    Lobster/blue crab in Long Island Sound example

         a.      E.g., insisting we have Lobsters (and managing for sound fertile lobster habitat) rather than blue crabs in Long Island Sound, when it is warming and more suitable to blue crabs is problematic


25.    2nd argument for historical fidelity is based on natural value (processes free from human intervention)

         a.      But more intervention, not less, will be required to accomplish high levels of historicity (given climate change)

         b.      Natural value can come back if we let nature to develop independently

                   i.       But realizing historicity, given that eco future is moving away from eco past, will require greater intervention and control

         c.      Given GW, historical fidelity is less and less important in good restoration

         d.      Give GW, reestablishing natural value via assisted recovery will be increasingly difficult to achieve and so appeals to natural value will do less to justify historical fidelity

         e.      Thus assisted recoveries will be less and less restorations.


26.    Virtue of Reconciliation

27.    GW increases importance of the virtue of reconciliation

         a.      Reconciliation: Accepting unwanted/undesirable/ changes that are either un-preventable or should be resisted (namely changes caused by foregone global warming)

         b.      Reconciliation means

                   i.       re-establishing normal relations between belligerents

                   ii.      The end of the estrangement, caused by sin, between God and humanity

28.    Good eco engagement (love and wonder towards nature) require accepting and not resisting too strongly ecological changes and losses


29.    Reconciliation not mere acknowledgment

         a.      But accepting unwelcome fact of forgone GW

         b.      Involves restraint of changes that can’t or should not be prevented (like species loss) or willingness to accept that there are aspects of the past we can’t put back

30.    Not resignation to GW beyond what is foregone

         a.      Work as hard as possible to reduce further GHG emissions and prevent further anthropogenetic climate change

31.    Reconciliation involves accommodating ourselves to the world

         a.      Adapting ourselves to it, rather than it to us

         b.      Pushing back futility and trying to remake things as they were is trying to remake the world

                   i.       Trying to adapt it to us, rather than us to it.

Questions on Sandler’s Global Warming (=GW) and Virtues of Ecological Restoration

1.      What is assisted recovery? What is restoration? What is historical fidelity (or historicity)? How are they related? Use examples to explain. Give an example of an assisted recovery that is not a restoration.

2.      What is “foregone global warming?”

3.      What are the two feature of global warming/climate change that Sandler thinks will make it hard for us to adapt to it?

4.      What is the virtue of “reconciliation?” Why does Sandler think this virtue of will be increasingly important?

5.      What implications for restoration does Sandler think global warming has? Explain why.

6.      What is ecological integrity? Using an example, how the goal of historical fidelity and ecological integrity conflict? (Consider lobster versus blue crabs in Long Island Sound.)

7.      How does Sandler define virtue? Vice?

8.      What vice does Sandler think Katz finds in restoration? Does Sandler agree that restoration embodies this vice?

9.      What does Sandler think of the argument for historical fidelity that claims it’s a useful way to achieve ecological integrity?

10.    What does Sandler think about the argument for historical fidelity that claims it increases natural value (independence from humans)?

11.    Explain: Reconciliation involves accommodating ourselves to the world; Adapting ourselves to it, rather than it to us.