Rachels, Ch 2: Cultural Relativism

Possible interpretations of Cultural Relativism


1.      One: Different cultures have different moral codes and beliefs

2.      Two: There is no objective truth in morality; there are no right answers to moral questions; that is, no moral questions have (unique) right answers

3.      Three: What is right for a society is determined by whatever its moral code says is right

4.      Four: There are no universally accepted moral rules or universally shared moral values

5.      Five: There are no universally applicable moral rules or moral values

6.      Six: It is arrogant and intolerant to judge the behavior of other cultures

7.      Seven: There are no exception-less general moral rules; any moral rule has circumstances under which it is permissible to break it

8.      Eight: What is right or wrong depends (sometimes? always?) on the situation or circumstances (contextual relativism)

9.      Nine: There are no cultural neutral standards of right and wrong