Nature, Technology, and Society
Ned Hettinger, Fall 2010


Schedule of Assignments

Paper Assignment and Topics

Hettinger Bibliography

Suggestions for Writing your Philosophy Paper

Midterm Study Questions

Final Exam Study Questions

78 Reasonable Questions to Ask About Any Technology

Pacific Ocean Garbage Dump

Inadequate Regulation:
Minerals Service had Mandate to Produce Results"
(about Gulf Oil "Spill")

Colbert on Wind Farm and Oil "Spill" (humor)

Steward on Energy Independent Future (humor)

Alternative Rush Hour (video)

Offshore Wind Power Line Wins Backing

Philosophy of Technology
Philosophy of Technology
Philosophy of Technology
Philosophy of Technology
Winner, Technologies as Forms of Life
Langdon Winner, “Technologies as Forms of Life”
About Langdon Winner
Roszak's "Foreword"
Theodore Roszak, "Foreword: In Defense of the Living Earth"

About Luddism

About Roszak

Shepard, The Only World We've Got

Diamond, The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race

Paul Shepard, "Preface: The Only World We've Got"

Jared Diamond, "The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race"

Photo and Bio-Essay on Paul Shepard

About Jared Diamond

The Majestic Plastic Bag

Jared Diamond on "Why Societies Collapse" (video)

Berry, Why I'm Not Going to Buy a Computer

Berry, Feminism, the Body, and the Machine

Wendell Berry: "Why I'm Not Going to Buy A Computer"

Wendell Berry, “Feminism, the Body, and the Machine” 2002

Wendell Berry Takes Back His Papers

Recent interview with Wendell Berry

"At 70, Wendell Berry Remains a Champion of Agrarian Ideals"

Shop Class as Soul Craft

Florman, In Praise of Technology
Samuel Florman, "In Praise of Technology"
Lyons: Are Luddites Confused?
Dan Lyons, "Are Luddites Confused?"

Dan Lyons' obituary

Dan Lyons' book on Democracy, Rights, and and Rights

Alan Drengson, Four Philosophies of Technology
Food and Biotechnology
Food and Biotechnology
Food and Biotechnology
Food and Biotechnology
Kingsolver, A Fist in the Eye of God
Barbara Kingsolver, "A Fist in the Eye of God"

About Barbara Kingsolver

Genetically Altered Salmon Get Closer to the Table

Will Frankenfood Save the Planet?

Failure to Yield: Biotech's Broken Promises

Are Genetically Engineered Fish Safe to Eat? (audio)
Cloning and Enhancing Humans
Cloning and Enhancing Humans
Cloning and Enhancing Humans
Cloning and Enhancing Humans
Kass, The Wisdom of Repugnance
Leon Kass, "The Wisdom of Repugnance"

Cloning Fact Sheet

NIH Cloning Education

Brock, Cloning Human Beings
Dan Brock, "Cloning Human Beings: An Assessment of the Ethical Issues Pro and Con"

Mills, Are There Morally Problematic Reasons for Having Children? (Creating children for "spare parts")

Are Prescription Drugs Cheating?

Pioneer of In Vitro Fertilization Wins Nobel Prize


Sandel, The Case Against Perfection
Michael J. Sandel , "The Case Against Perfection: What's wrong with designer children, bionic athletes, and genetic engineering"

MicroSort (commercial sperm sorting)

Cryobank (commercial sperm bank)

NSF, "Ethics of Human Enhancement: 25 Questions & Answers"

Journal of Evolution and Technology ("Transhumanism")

"Merely Human? That's So Yesterday"

Michael Sandel: The Case Against Perfection (video)
Information Technology
Information Technology
Information Technology
Information Technology
Ehrenfeld, Becoming Good Ancestors

David Ehrenfeld, "Becoming Good Ancestors"

Endnotes for Ehrenfeld reading

Is Google Making us Stupid?

David Ehrenfeld on Methods of Preserving the Planet
University Declares a Week Without Social Media
Jamieson, Ethics and Geoengineering

Gardner, Is Geoengineering the Lesser Evil?

Dale Jamieson “Ethics of Geoengineering”

Steven Gardner, “Is Geoengineering the Lesser Evil?

Christopher Preston on technologies of geoengineering

Geoengineering: The Inescapable Truth of Getting to 350

McKibben, "Hot Mess: Why are Conservatives so Radical about the Climate?"

David Keith, "Should we Engineer the Planet?" (video)

Steve Gardiner, Geoengineering the Climate in a Perfect Moral Storm" (audio, scroll down)
Elliot, Faking Nature
Robert Elliot, "Faking Nature"
Quotes about restoration, preservation, humans and nature
Katz, The Big Lie
Eric Katz, "The Big Lie"
Jordan, Ecological Restoration as a New Environmental Paradigm
William Jordan,
"'Sunflower Forest': Ecological Restoration as the Basis for a New Environmental Paradigm”
Hettinger, Restoration as a Paradigm for Human Relation with Nature (powerpoint)

Study questions for the above
Ned Hettinger, "Restoration as a Paradigm for the Human Relationship with Nature"
Sandler, Global Warming and Virtues of Ecological Restoration
Ron Sandler, "Global Warming and the Virtues of Ecological Restoration"
Ross, Appreciating Gardens and Urban Nature
Stephanie Ross “Paradoxes and Puzzles: Appreciating Gardens and Urban Nature,”
Consumption, Simplicity and Progress
Consumption, Simplicity and Progress
Consumption, Simplicity and Progress
Consumption, Simplicity and Progress
Segal, Are We Simple Creatures?

Lichtenberg, Consuming Because Others Consume

Jerome Segal, "Are We Simple Creatures?"

Judith Lichtenberg, "Consuming Because Others Consume"

The Simplicity Forum

Center for the New American Dream

Take Back You Time Day

Story of Stuff

I'm a Mac and I've Got a Dirty Secret

A Global Graveyard for Dead Computers in Ghana

Schor, Clothes Encounters

Schor, Tackling Turbo Consumption

Juliet Schor, "Clothes Encounters"

Synopsis of Schor's book "Plenitude: The New Economics of True Wealth"

Juliet Schor, “Tackling Turbo Consumption”

About Juliet Schor

Julie Schor webpage, including blog

3 Videos talks by Juliet Schor
Affluenza video
(for those did not see in class)
Drake, "Successful"

Bermingham/Jackson, Prosperity Without Growth

Is Recession Good?

Prosperity without Growth

Is Recession Good? A Discussion


Orr, Designers' Challenge

Pope, Let's Get Technical

David Orr, "The Designers' Challenge"

Carl Pope, "Let's Get Technical"

About David Orr
Plastic bags rap
Society for Philosophy and Technology

Bluesphere: Earth Art Expo

More on Bluesphere

“Some Recurrent Themes in the Ethics of Technology” (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Techne: Research in Philosophy and Technology (online journal)


Wall Street Backs Away from Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining
Gulf Oil Spill
Can we Build a Brighter Shade of Geen?


Inadequate Regulation:
Minerals Service had Mandate to Produce Results"

Mark Sorkin, "Lessons of Darkness" (review of Mass' "Crude World")
"The Curse of Oil" (Talk by Peter Mass author of "Crude World: The Violent Twilight of Oil"
German City Wonders How Green is Too Green? (mandatory solar power)
Carbon Ration Cards
Nanotechnology and Synthetic Biology
Nanotechnology and Synthetic Biology
Nanotechnology and Synthetic Biology
Our Silver Coated Future: NRDC on Nanotechnology
Instant Egghead: What is Synthetic Biology? (video)
Precautionary Principle
Michael Pollan on the Precautionary Principle
NPR story on Precautionary Principle
Consumption, Simplicity and Eco-Design